Thursday, December 26, 2019

Should Immigrants Be An American Citizen - 992 Words

Should immigrants have a pathway to American citizenship? Of course, all immigrants should be granted a pathway to becoming an American citizen because Americans are all immigrants to this country. Thirty percent of the small businesses started in America are started by these immigrants who come in search of a higher quality life. When they start these businesses they are providing jobs for American workers, which will boost our economy. Also, various immigrants have developed cutting-edge technologies along with companies such as Google, eBay, Yahoo, and Intel. The majority of these immigrants indulge themselves in our local markets, which boost the demand for these local goods. Several of these immigrants are also hard workers requiring little pay; for instance, if they are picking blueberries they may be paid five dollars for a three gallon bucket of blueberries. Also, immigrants are only on welfare because they give up everything to come to America. If granted an easier pathway t o citizenship, they could be taken off of welfare, which would benefit America in the long run. Immigrants should be allowed an easier pathway to citizenship to be taken off of welfare, add to the consumption of local goods, and boost the economy. Whether immigrants offer economic growth or not has imposed many questions throughout the years. Truth is they are providing economic growth, both the low-skilled and high-skilled immigrants. Immigrants of low-skill provide a lot of laborers; theyShow MoreRelatedUndocumented Immigrants Should Be The Same Rights As American Citizens1359 Words   |  6 Pagesundocumented immigrants should receive the same rights as American citizens are a categorical truth. Although some advocates against undocumented immigration would argue that they have overpopulated our nation, these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology. Everyone has the human rights and have the authority to enter to the country without being deported. People should know the reasons why immigrants come to America before deporting them. More than 11 million immigrants are undocumentedRead MoreChildren Born in the U.S. to Illegal Immigrants Should NOT Become American Citizens925 Words   |  4 PagesChild ren Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants should not become U.S. citizens. Many pregnant immigrant women are illegally coming into the country just to have their babies. These women get free medical attention for themselves and the baby. This is costing the U.S. millions of dollars every year. It’s time to end the policy that illegal immigrant mothers can stay in the U.S. just because she has given birth to a child that is now a citizen. These mothers cross the border illegallyRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinion, I think the US borders should remain close because Citizens` or Americans` should be the first getting opportunity better than an Immigrant. The US should close its borders becauseRead MoreThe Importance Of Immigrants Role In Society791 Words   |  4 Pagesthe 19th century, waves of immigrants have migrated to the U.S. in search of the freedom and prosperity guaranteed by the Constitution. In pursuit of the â€Å"American† dream immigrants take shelter on American soil each year seeking employment, education, refuge, and better lives for their families. In 2015, the Migration Policy Institute reported that: â€Å"there were 43.3 million immigrants in the U.S. accounting for 13.5% of the U.S. population.† It’s unfortunate that immigrants role in society is misunderstoodRead MoreImmigration And The United States941 Words   |  4 Pagestremendous problem in America today. Thousands of immigrants every year travel illegally into the United States, and the United States immigration system is in turmoil. It takes years for immigrants to be admitted into the U.S.; for example, David Joseph, spent two years of his life in Khrome s detention center. A good idea to quickly welcome immigrants that will benefit the American society would be to increase border patrol, and to allow more the immigrants who will be beneficial to our society to beRead MoreImmigrants Be Illegal1 600 Words   |  7 Pages Immigrating should be legal because I believe we all have human rights and freedom is one of our rights so why can’t we all be equal. I honestly feel like immigrants work really hard and seek for a better life, If it wasn’t for immigrants crossing over here how would our countries even hold ups are basically the ones who run it. How are some of us considered legal and some illegal; aren’t we all supposed to be equal? Illegal citizens usually move to other countries in search of improved livingRead MoreImmigration And The Pillars Of Freedom706 Words   |  3 Pagesas a nation immigrants and these immigrants roughly take up 13% of the population (Migration Policy). In recent years, immigrants have been treated harshly and have felt unwelcomed in the land of the free and these immigrants have come to find an opportunity in America that they could not find in their own country. American citizens believe the immigrants are hurting the economy. They believe there sho uld be a limit on the number of immigrants that are coming to America, but if American dream is theRead MoreThe Economic Impact Of Illegal Immigration902 Words   |  4 PagesThe economic impact of illegal immigrants in Texas has brought concerns for the state s economy. Such as opportunities, health care, and education. Illegal immigrants contribute both positively and negatively to the Texas economy. They contribute positively by paying for taxes such as sales taxes, health taxes and taxes imposed on items. The negative impacts these immigrants have on the Texas economy seems to overweigh these positive impacts. Their presence has made general wages go down for unqualifiedRead MoreIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed721 Words   |  3 PagesIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed Illegal immigration is the immigration of someone from his or her home country to another country without becoming a legal citizen. Illegal immigrants have many different names; illegal aliens, undocumented workers, and unauthorized citizens are just a few names they are called. Whether undocumented workers should stay in the country or leave has been debated in the United States for a long time. In the year 2006, there was an estimated 11.5 to 12 million undocumentedRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : A Big Problem With Illegal Immigration1150 Words   |  5 Pagesnow that he is getting ready to leave office. Most Americans want the border closed, but that will only solve half the problem. The other half of the problem can be solved by deporting the illegal immigrants that are already in the United States. Illegal immigrants are taking American jobs. Therefore, negatively affecting the economy. Furthermore, they have a higher crime rate than the average U.S. citizen. Yet, supporters vie w illegal immigrants as a good thing because it helps grow the economy

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Black Male Offenders Must Be A System Of Social Control

Getting on When Getting Out Getting on with life after getting out of prison shouldn’t be as difficult as society and the government make it. By labeling someone a criminal the stigma that follows them will continue for the rest of their lives. There is discrimination with employment, housing and under federal law, people convicted of drug felonies are deemed ineligible for food stamps. The penal system appears to be a system of social control rather than a system of crime prevention. â€Å"Many of Wisconsin s Black Male Offenders Go Back to Prison, Struggle to Stay Out† is an article about the black men in prison and how Larry Jackson’s first run in with the law placed him in a juvenile center when he was only nine years old. For 20 years he has been in and out of prison, this paper will attempt to apply theories on why it is so difficult for young men to stay out of prison. â€Å"The United States has the highest incarceration in the world, with only 5% o f the world’s population it also contains 25% of the world’s prison population (Explains)†. According to an article in Ebony Magazine, one in three black men can expect to go to prison at some time in their lives, that would relate to the conflict theory, the overrepresentation of racial minorities in the criminal justice system. The conflict theorist believes the criminal justice system reflects the unequal distribution of power in society. Would it be considered normal if that amount of white men were incarcerated?Show MoreRelatedAfrican Americans During The Civil War Essay1319 Words   |  6 PagesDisparities of race, class, gender, and age have produced extraordinary rates of incarceration among young African American men with little schooling. Radical changes in crime control and sentencing polices led to an unprecedented buildup of the United States prison population over the last thirty years. African Americans comprise a disproportionate percentage o f the individuals imprisoned in State correctional institutions across the United States. . There are 5 main reasons as to why African AmericansRead MoreLabeling Theory And Its Effect On The Individual1233 Words   |  5 Pages1) The labeling theory basically categorize individuals who breaks the laws or commit crime. The purpose of the labeling is to cause social humiliation so the individual want commit the crime again. Labels are placed on individuals who commit crime to reduce repeat offenses. A person of prestige that has a high ranking social class is the individual that usually determines how labels are applied. Labeling theory can have a negative effect on the individual who is categorized, the individual is moreRead MoreCrime And Imprisonment : The Higher Chance Of Recidivism1569 Words   |  7 PagesCorrections files. Aside from the length of time and stay in prison, each criminal and criminal act is different. Younger offenders are more likely to recidivate than older o ffenders (Benedict, Huff-Corzine, Corzine, 1998; Hepburn Albonetti 1994). Male’s recidivate more than female, (BJS). Both male and female prisoners come from different communities, families, but in the male population alone the criminals are sentenced differently. African Americans (63.9 months) were given longer sentences onRead MoreThe Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison Essay example1238 Words   |  5 PagesJeffrey Reiman, author of The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, first published his book in 1979; it is now in its sixth edition, and he has continued to revise it as he keeps up on criminal justice statistics and other trends in the system. Reiman originally wrote his book after teaching for seven years at the School of Justice (formerly the Center for the Administration of Justice), which is a multidisciplinary, criminal justice education program at American University in Washington, DRead MoreThe Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison by Jeffrey Reim an1268 Words   |  6 PagesReiman Jeffrey Reiman, author of The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, first published his book in 1979; it is now in its sixth edition, and he has continued to revise it as he keeps up on criminal justice statistics and other trends in the system. Reiman originally wrote his book after teaching for seven years at the School of Justice (formerly the Center for the Administration of Justice), which is a multidisciplinary, criminal justice education program at American University in WashingtonRead MoreBad Kids Race And The Transformation Of Juvenile Court1649 Words   |  7 Pagescurrently have a grapple hold on our juvenile justice system. Barry Feld is one of the nations most respected scholars of juvenile justice and currently teaches the subject, amongst other things, at the University of Minnesota. Feld himself graduated from law school at the University of Minnesota and later received his Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard. This book’s main proposal is that there is a blatant contradiction in the way that the juvenile justice system is carried out. Throughout the book, Feld proposesRead More Employment Discrimination Against Black Felons: The New Jim Crow Era1242 Words   |  5 Pagescriminals and offenders that are out of prison in a similar manner to how people were treated in the Jim Crow era. One example of the new Jim Crow Era is Sonya Jennings. Sonya is a felon as well as an African American mother. She was given an eight years probation after being arrested for possession of narcotics. Since Sonya is now tagged as a felon, she does not have the right to vote, she cannot receive public welfare, and she faces job discrimination (Alexander). The Jim Crow system has been plannedRead MoreThe Problems Faced By Women Prisoners1468 Words   |  6 Pagesmaking it difficult for them to cope with their life. Women get locked up in prisons for various crimes they commit. The rate of women being imp risoned is increasing day-by-day nevertheless men take the highest number of prisoners. Most of the women offenders get incarcerated for non-violent crimes. Once they get incarcerated their access to education, work and other services is taken away. Moreover, if they are single mothers their kids often suffer from being away from them. In this essay, the problemsRead MoreIntimate Partner And Sexual Violence1555 Words   |  7 Pagesone of the most underestimated crimes in America. Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence are one of the most torturous and abusive crimes that goes unreported due to fear. Intimate partner abuse is generally part of a pattern of abusive behavior and control rather than an isolated act of physical aggression. Partner abuse can take a variety of forms, including physical assault such as different forms of hitting, kicking, and beatings; emotional abuse, threats, financial abuse, psychological abuse suchRead MoreI.What Is A Theory?. 1.Criminology Is The Scie ntific Study1600 Words   |  7 Pagesapprehended. V. â€Å"Thrill Offenders† 1. The inherent danger of criminal activity increases the â€Å"rush† a criminal experience on successfully committing a crime. VI. Trait theories of crime 1. Biology is the science of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and origin. 2. Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. VII. Hormones and Aggression 1. Hormones are produced in tissue and conveyed in the bloodstream, that controls certain cellular and body

Monday, December 9, 2019

Mcdonalds and Hindu Culture free essay sample

McDonald’s decided to approach the situation by not offering the offending primary ingredient and instead substituting with a new type of protein for their menu, mutton. They recognized the two categories of local customers, vegetarian and non-vegetarian and created separate lines by customer type. McDonald’s in the USA was using beef extract in the frying oil and were sued by three men in Seattle, two of which were Hindu for fraudulently concealing the existence of beef in McDonalds French fries. McDonald’s issued an apology to Hindus, vegetarians and others for failing to provide the kind of information they needed to make informed dietary decisions at their U. S. restaurants. However, news travels fast and the Hindu nationalists in India grew angry enough to vandalize one McDonald’s restaurant, causing $45,000 in damage; shouted slogans outside of another; picketed the company’s headquarters; and called on India’s prime minister to close McDonald’s 27 stores in the Country. McDonald’s Indian franchise holders quickly issued denials that they used oil that contained beef extract, and Hindu extremists responded by stating they would submit McDonald’s oil to laboratory tests to see if they could detect beef extract. Questions: 1. Was the mistake that McDonalds made with this new market advancement was to not consider global business practices vs local business practices and global response to local issues? 2. Were enough meat substitutes considered and incorporated to menu? 3. Was potential customer base evaluated well enough to establish non-offending meal options? 4. Was changing the meat type but maintaining â€Å"Mac† in menu branding sufficient? Could this cause speculation that food still contained beef? 5. Are foods prepared separately enough to segregate veggie vs non-veggie customers? 6. Can a company incorporate global preferences in a local market? 7. Truth in advertising laws can impact globally based on local issues? 8. How does a company mitigate media impacts globally for localized issues? Key Issues: 1. Cultural differences were impacting key ingredients; beef vs religious practice 2. Adoption of non-offending recipes; no beef used in food 3. Lawsuit for not maintaining separation of vegetarian vs non-vegetarian practices and not maintaining integrity of non-beef / non-meat food preparation globally Listing of Alternative Courses of Action / Factors: Objectives: Appeal to Muslim amp; Hindu Culture Overall Strategy: Eliminate cultural and religious offending items from menu locally, create new menu offerings and amend menu offerings globally. Economic Trends: Middle income families eating out Marketplace Trends: Local cuisine becomes international cuisine Competition: Larger menu options to appeal to international tastes Legal Restrictions: Local restaurants are bound by local laws Personal Capabilities: Local management conducts due diligence for localized decision on menu offerings Financial Capabilities: Local menus dependent on sourcing ingredients that keep menus relevant and competitive Sources of Supply: Dictated by economic capabilities Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action: In this case of McDonalds and Hindu Culture there were some alternative courses of action that could have mitigated the risk surrounding the end result of being sued in the U. S. for business practices different than those in India. By modifying their overall strategy to focus globally as well as locally, other foreign fast food and retail stores can use this McDonalds example to be certain to appeal to cultural expectations while at the same time not offending local and global customer base. * McDonalds could have foreseen or better prepared itself for the negative publicity associated with the revelation that it u sed beef extract in its frying oil by considering how neglecting to be diligent in removing offending ingredients would impact economic amp; market trends globally. By being more diligent in meeting their overall strategy of eliminating the offending beef ingredient, they could have avoided the risk of lawsuit and negative publicity by considering how its total menu and ingredient list would impact its goal of appealing to Muslim amp; Hindu culture globally and not just in India. This course of action could have allowed them to source alternative flavor enhancer(s) that would have kept the French fries truly vegetarian and not containing the sacred cow offending India (or other offending ingredients for future expansion) for all restaurants. A firm should maintain its localizing efforts to be relevant and competitive in accordance with economic/ marketplace trends and competitive position. The firm should localize its products enough to meet business objectives and overall strategy while meeting needs associated with cultural differences while keeping as much of their distinguishing characteristics in place as possible. It is a fact that the com pany may become less like their counterparts in other countries and a company may ose a portion of its marketing advantage but they could also gain in the way of less risk and customer appreciation for the company acknowledging local customs and preferences. Recommendation of Best Course of Action For this case study, I would contend that McDonald’s best course of action would have been to find additional non-meat food substitutes (i. e. non beef additive to oil) and focus globally, not locally. Utilizing this strategy would appeal to Muslim and Hindu culture globally and conform to overall strategy. It would not impact economic and marketplace trends and could provide a new competitive edge. Taking this action would need to include taking local laws in consideration for restrictions on other ingredients and should also be taken care of by regional management. The local management would be able to incorporate the change more affordably by selecting popular taste trends through personal knowledge and sourcing supplies locally for cost savings. The new product offerings would be locally relevant and provide competitive offerings for potential new customers.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Odysseus Rex Essay Example

Odysseus Rex Essay The major focal point of this calamity is on the character of the hero. Oedipus. He is a individual of great importance ; in fact. the security and wellness of the community depend upon him. And he has to run into an pressing crisis. something which threatens the go oning being of the metropolis. And because he is really witting of his ain qualities. he takes upon himself that duty. Oedipus. above everything else at first. is a individual who acts resolutely and who is celebrated for so making. In that sense. Oedipus is like Odysseus. who is besides celebrated for his ability to move and respond in an exigency. What is most of import about them. nevertheless. emerges non from their initial determinations to move but instead from what happens as the struggle they are caught in gets more complicated. Oedipus has a heroic assurance in his ain abilities. and he has good ground for such assurance. both from his sense of past accomplishments and from the really high respect everyone has of these accomplishments. As his state of affairs gets more complicated and things do non work out as he has imagined they might. unlike Odysseus. he does non accommodate. alteration. or learn. He becomes more and more determined to see the job through on his ain footings ; he becomes progressively inflexible. Having accepted the duty for salvaging Thebes. he will on his ain see the affair through. without via media. without prevarications. without blind. We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Oedipus demands from life that it answers to him. to his vision of what it must be. Throughout the drama he is seeking to enforce his will upon events. Peoples around him are ever pressing cautiousness. prudence. even an forsaking of his quest. but to move on such advice would be for Oedipus a denial of what he is. And. as he repeatedly states. he would instead endure anything than compromise his sense of who he is and how he must carry on himself. Odysseus is rather distinguishable. He sees everything and is ever prepared to acknowledge that he has been incorrectly. He can accommodate ; that is one of the most attractive things about the narrative. The reader may cognize the result. what holds him is the outlook of some new disclosure about Odysseus’ bag of fast ones. What will he make next to acquire out of this jam? What is he making to prevail over the suers? Because he is such an infinitely protean character. the reader knows he is traveling to detect something new about Odysseus in every episode. The reader’s sense of Oedipus is really different. He is non traveling to be any different. he is traveling to persist in being precisely what he has been. So there is a awful captivation with seeing the events unfold. in seeing Oedipus himself become the major actuating force in his ain devastation. The force of the drama comes from the connexion between Oedipus’s agonies and his ain actions. that is. from the consciousness of how he himself is conveying upon his ain caput the awful result. Oedipus is doomed. chiefly because he is the kind of individual he is. Person else. person with a really different character. would non hold suffered Oedipus’s life.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample

Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample Effective Educational Leader Essay Sample The ability to lead is inborn only in 5% percent of the population. The rest should either follow the group or develop the key leader ship characteristics. Perhaps, the majority would prefer the second option, yet, not everyone is that talented. The rareness of the ability to lead makes it an important and desirable feature for many people. The leadership is even more important in the school settings where each student aims at achieving high levels. A systematic approach to learning processes as well as managing diverse teams becomes crucial for the future of the children today and adults tomorrow. These children will choose the President and determine the trends for the upcoming days. Therefore, they have to be guided in a quite wise manner by the professionals. Otherwise, the system will be ruined and the talents would be lost. The educational leadership plays a key role in motivating, encouraging, stimulating, and challenging the practices of pedagogy. It refers to many endeavors involving the reflections and inquiries that significantly impact the interactions among the communities, educators, parents, and children. Thus, educational leadership matters. This MA program is believed to prepare professionals who would be able to lead or occupy leadership positions in the communities, schools, districts, states, universities, etc. The curriculum provides critical assessment of the conceptual, organizational, managerial, social, political, and other dimensions that are inherent for the leading schools. The further analysis of these techniques and their implementation would allow increasing educational opportunities for children and youth residing in both urban and rural communities. The overall aim of the MA students is to learn how to enhance the opportunities for the children and youth through the programs that are linked to the practices important in everyday life. Leadership Strengths Self-Appraisal Considering inborn leadership and developed characteristics, I dare say that the following are inherent for my leadership style. The first advantage refers to my natural charisma. This is an issue that I exactly know when I need to apply my inborn charisma, and when I can simply let it shine through. In fact, I consider this feeling to be even more important than simply having charisma. To be honest, I use this natural ability very often as it can help to achieve considerable success. I always feel the moment when the situation is the most suitable and when there is a need for letting others, who are less charismatic or shy, shine. In addition to the mentioned, I consider myself to be able to communicate freely without any barriers and, if needed, to criticize people in a rather constructive way.   Moreover, I always provide a feedback, especially the positive one. In my opinion, it is a good model for cooperation, sharing, and goodwill. All of it would definitely be contributing f or my success as an educational leader. Moreover, I have good manners which make people like me at first glance. Sometimes, I guess I have a heightened feeling of charm or special style, which attracts others. Perhaps, the main reason for this is the fact that most of the time I am rather attentive to the non-verbal means of communication. Using it, I always try to encourage people, to motivate them, to provide them with certain amount of energy, and to allow them to feel my sympathy and loyalty when needed. Thus, I hope that they feel my caring about them. Furthermore, I have drive or dynamism that leaders need. This reflects my inner metal power that helps me to continue going. Additionally, I am well organized and can control my temper. There are practically no barriers in communication with others. I used to give feedbacks and criticize people in a constructive way providing them alternatives. In my opinion, such a constructive yet inspiring method of indicating one’s mistakes makes the world a better place and helps to remove everything secondary. I can cope with stressful management. I am not hasty in making decisions. Finally, I am sympathetic with regard to others, and this makes me rather tolerant person. The Attitudes, Behaviors and Skills that Ensure the Effective Educational Leadership In terms of the leadership appraisal provided above, there are a lot of things that should be mastered in order to become a qualified educational leader. They primarily refer to the building of four dimensions: the enhancement of the instructional leadership skills, the development of the unique management style (as provided below), the ability to build the community, and the ability to create the vision. The instructional leadership provides some features of character that are either inborn or needed to be developed. First of all, effective educational leaders have to improve their qualifications on ongoing basis. The frequent methods of learning and counseling and other educational assistance become outdated with time. Thus, in order to ensure that the children are guided by the best techniques possible, this theoretical background of the leadership should be reviewed repeatedly. Secondly, the leaders themselves have to understand, realize, and accept the commitment to academic success of all students, especially those who are struggling for learning new things. An effective educational leader must also have an efficient communication system within school facilities. The teachers, students, administration, etc should provide feedbacks. All of this is important to ensure two- or multiway communication and interaction that would help to address the emerging challenges immediately. Special attention is to be paid to the feelings and perceptions of the students as they are usually in their most vulnerable age, and everything should be explained to them in a wise manner. The traumas that could be acquired at this age might influence their entire lives. Thus, the educational leader should encourage the interactions among teachers and students as well as school administration. And, therefore, it requires certain skills to be learned and sharpened by a successful educational leader. The concept of the instructional leadership also provides such a behavioral pattern when educational leader is engaged in educational practices (Green, 2012). They are frequently recommended not only to observe learning process but also to be engaged in and to monitor the reactions of the group. All if would help to recognize moods and expectations of the students and take steps to meet their expectations towards learning process. Most importantly, the leaders should develop some new rules. That is all that educational leadership is about. The leaders have to show positive examples and encourage others to take responsibilities. They also should defend others so the latter realize their own initiatives that would positively impact community or even the whole country they live in. The educational leader has to strengthen the community where he or she operates and to contribute to developing cohesiveness among its residents. The role of educational leaders widens together with the need for building strong relations inside certain community. Naturally, the traditional approach of top-down decisions could not be applicable under the conditions of the modern society. The traditional community is filled with teachers, leaders, students, parents, etc, and the mission of an educational leader is to reach synergy in his/her efforts in order to achieve common goals. Thus, the communication is crucial for educational leaders, and these skills are to be developed at the highest level possible. Finally, a vision of an ultimate goal has to be established by the leader that everyone follows. The goal-setting is quite challenging process as it involves audit of the current resources and drawing of the action plan off these resources. The actions are frequently limited by various factors, thus the educational leader should learn how to retrieve maximum utility from the resources available at the moment. Management Style The effective educational leader has to ensure that the personnel are managed properly and that the conflicts are resolved in a timely manner. To ensure that the leader should adopt strategy of building strong and cohesive team, be able to produce new initiatives, set the procedures for the conflict settlement, and, finally, elaborate the plan for dealing with the resistance to changes that are introduced within the educational environment. The challenges that are faced by educational leaders may vary by a group of educators or by the rules of the schools, academic communities, etc. However, the most serious issue that concerns all leaders is their ability to engage in, effectively manage, and motivate their followers or team members. It is particularly important when the entire educational personnel are given the task or project which is to be performed with the help of all members’ efforts. Moreover, the success of it depends on how much energy and creativity such educators are going to produce. There are no issues that will reach the stage of its implementation if group members are uninterested in its development. At this point, the lack of motivation or focus on work might cause the decrease in productivity. Thus, the goal of the successful educational leader is to engage everyone into activities in the most productive way. Productive educators are easily recognizable. First of all, they know their goals and use wisely all the resources given to them. The effective use of time, skills, and abilities of everyone is their key priority. Any worker gets his/her orders and is responsible for a certain part of work. At the same time, those activities, which require team efforts, are performed in groups where the guidance is made through the orders of an educational leader. They are not prohibited from criticizing the results of others, and their ideas are born during hot discussions in which virtually every member of the group actively participates. Even if there is a glimpse of disagreement, it is considered as a good thing. The atmosphere the personnel operate in is rather comfortable, informal, and relaxing. In order to realize all the things described above, an effective educational leader should introduce the following steps. First of all, he/she must establish the goal or task that is to be reached through the joint efforts of the whole team. Secondly, he/she must introduce the rules of a game or, in other words, explain how the process of achieving common goal will be implemented. He/she determines the tasks being performed separately and the areas of work needing joint activities. In addition to this, an effective leader should determine strengths and weaknesses of his team members at first sight. Moreover, he/she has to divide duties accordingly to ensure the high productivity of the team. All of these will simultaneously make the team cohesive and the tasks oriented towards many common activities. This will also prevent the conflicts due to the existence of clear rules for everyone to follow. The conflict is defined as the â€Å"interaction of interdependent people who perceive opposition goals and values, and who see the other party as potentially interfering in their realization† (Green, 2012). In case the conflict occurs, the following steps should be taken. First, the dispute should be assessed in terms of its intensity, clarity, longevity, etc. The golden rule in this regard is that the conflict should be resolved in a timely manner. A hidden conflict equals to time bomb; and the longer it remains unresolved, the more disastrous the consequences of its explosion may be (Green, 2012). Definitely, there is no such a way that would allow decreasing and minimizing all the conflicts. They are an integral part of any daily routine, and they help in identifying the truth. In case of their occurrence, an educational leader should identify the positions of the parties involved and their key arguments. Afterwards, he/she has to make decisions either solely or together w ith the board. The latter is viewed as the means of a more objective way for conflict resolution as more people are involved, and it is harder to bribe them all. Therefore, this method of dealing with conflicts is recommended for the introduction within school settings. Finally, an effective educational leader should develop strategies in order to cope with the change resistance. The reasons for resistance to changes vary. Therefore, it is rather silly to infer that somebody is reluctant to simply change his/her private reasons or character inclinations. The truth lies in the middle. Some individuals are just afraid of anything unfamiliar due to their temperament, while others are not ready to face new challenges due to poor management of changes implementation. People resist changes because of mistrust and individual predisposition towards these changes. It should be noted that educational leaders can significantly decrease the resistance to changes while applying the techniques and following the models that help employees to go through transitional period. They should serve as the means of communicating messages of change. On the other hand, such leaders are those who can provide the board with the feedbacks received from employees being of great importance for change-implementation process and needing to be addressed to immediately. There are a lot of approaches an effective educational leader might use in order to overcome change resistance. For example, he/she might offer the educators to participate in change-introducing process. In accordance with one of the studies conducted recently, the degree to which employees are engaged in change-implementing process significantly impacts the rate of change resistance. The results showed that those employees, who actually were provided with the opportunity to suggest the changes introduced, offer no resistance later. Thereafter, those others are simply ordered to perform their work activities in a different way dropped by two thirds by the end of the first month after the changes were introduced. Therefore, in order to minimize the risks of change resistance, one can simply involve the personnel into the process of decision-making in terms of introducing the changes. Expected Outcomes In conclusion, all of the skills, behaviors, attitudes, and management styles that have been mentioned above create a comprehensive strategy. The latter is to be followed in order to develop strong educational leadership. It represents the puzzle where every element is important in finishing the masterpiece. Thus, the communication serves many purposes from explaining the reasons and the benefits of the changes to the discoveries of the underlying thoughts and considerations regarding the ideas collected from the students. The ability to organize team and make it cohesive and strong will be important for the productive and fruitful cooperation of everyone in reaching their common goal. The unique management style that provides the engagement of the employees, the strategies for change resistance and conflict resolutions would help to eliminate possible flaws or barriers to defective operations. The vision would serve as the uniting reason for everyone to make his or her best achievin g the set goals and improving the learning processes for all the students.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

This is the Best Way To End An Email to Get the Highest Response Rate

This is the Best Way To End An Email to Get the Highest Response Rate You spend all this time drafting the perfect email and then you stall out as soon as you get to the sign-off. What are you supposed to say? You don’t want to sound too formal or too casual, and thus ruin the whole tone of the email. â€Å"Cheers† seems too flip, or too British. â€Å"Sincerely† sounds†¦ well, anything but. â€Å"Best† feels just bland and boring. And all the possible versions of â€Å"best† are overwhelming in and of themselves: â€Å"all best,† â€Å"all the best,† â€Å"all my best,† â€Å"all best wishes†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ it’s enough to drive you mad. All the same, you can’t go without a sign-off, particularly if you’ve opened the email with a salutation. Avoid the minefield by not letting yourself get overly familiar. Stay away from â€Å"xo† and â€Å"love† (obviously) in a professional setting. â€Å"Warmly†/†fondly† fall into the â€Å"best† t rap, while being borderline creepy. â€Å"Yours† and â€Å"yours truly,† or anything else with an adjective after â€Å"yours,† sound both fake and formal.Then there are things like â€Å"take care† (this makes you sound dismissive) and things in the bland â€Å"regards† family (too much like â€Å"warmly†). You could try â€Å"looking forward to hearing from you,† but that’s a little presumptuous. Or â€Å"speak soon† (but only if you plan to).In truth, the best ways to end an email, which have been proven to increase your rate of response by up to 65%, are sign-offs that include the word â€Å"thanks.†So next time you’re stuck, try any variation on these farewells:â€Å"Thanks in advance†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Thanks†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Thank you†If you’re really stuck and can’t make â€Å"thanks† work, then variations on â€Å"best† or even the pretentiously European â€Å"cheers† will do in a pinch- and still might get you the response you need. But if you can, sign off with gratitude and get results.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Financial Markets and Risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Financial Markets and Risk - Essay Example It will also mobilize and pool savings. Financial market also helps in diversification of trade and reduction of risk. (Campion 2010, pp.67-209) It is vivid to note that this market facilitates development of financial institutions and instruments that can manage risks. (Baumol 2011, pp.122-130) The system also provides financial regulation to ensure stability of financial institution in any given economy. It is also worth noting that financial system ensures that funds are channeled from households, firms, and governments that have surplus funds to those with deficits (The economist 2011, p.39) . Various products are always provided by retail banks and non-banking institutions, these products promote movement of funds in the market to create a balance. The depository institutions always take deposits and lend out funds in terms of loans. This aspect always creates financial assets and enhances liquidity in a given market. In spite of considerable innovation in the financial sector, the popularity of depository services always persists. In Europe, bank deposits remain to be the best-known long-term savings. About 74% of European households have bank deposits. Various types of bank deposits are always offered. First, the time deposits which are not always disposable immediately because they are always fixed. Another type of bank deposits is the savings deposits whose negotiability is always restricted to a given level. (Campion 2010, pp.67-209) There are always deposits resulting from savings scheme that always require the depositor to make regular payments. Securities Varieties of securities always exist in the financial market. The investment by households in securities has tended to increase in the developing countries in the past two decades. A good example of security is bonds. A bond is a debt instrument, which is the obligation of the borrower of funds to make specified interest and principal payments to lender of funds. The bond obligates the issuer to m ake specified interest and principal payments to the holder on specified dates. (BME 2008, PP.200-223) Giving long term loans The banks always offer long-term loans to the people with fund deficit and those who need to deposit. The banks always require the borrowers to have collateral to reduce default risk. The banks always require the borrowers to pay the principal amount and the interest accrued. This is the most common method of advancing credit to the borrowers. It is also vivid to note that the amount borrowed is always returned after a specified period. (Campion 2010, pp.67-209) Implication of general increase in interest rate The general increase in interest rates always has an impact on the individual savers and investors. It is vivid to note that both savers and investors always receive this increase differently. (The economist 2011, p.39) Impact on savors Increase in the interest rates charged by banks and other financial institutions have a positive impact on the savors. The main aim of saving is always to gain interest. It is therefore fundamental to note that savors would be highly motivated to save when the interest rate is higher to gain more interest on their principal amount. (Campion 2010, pp.67-209) It is salient to comment categorically that in the periods of low interest rates savors would opt to investing in other securities like bond, notes payable and even equity as long as the return is higher. (BME 2008, PP.56-89) Impact on investors

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Relationship between the physical body and the technology Essay

Relationship between the physical body and the technology - Essay Example Relationship between the physical body and the technology â€Å"The nineteenth century demanded the functional specialization of man and his work; this specialization makes one individual incomparable to another †¦, however, this specialization makes each man the more directly dependent upon the supplementary activities of all others† (Simmel, 1903). Surveillance strategies were enacted to negotiate pay or to track wages. This dictated the impersonal ordering of the clock, engendering feelings of alienation as the individual perceived themselves different from, yet the same as, their co-workers, yet had no room to explore this difference. Explorations into this mechanized realm produced the phantasmagorical, characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions. Through this imagery of the Dada, Surrealism and Letterism movements, the Situationists Movement arose, providing â€Å"their critique of modern culture, their celebration of creativity, and their stress on the immediate transformation of everyday life† (Marshall, 2000). ‘Everyday’ life, they maintain, deadens the mind into numb acceptance, while exploration of the surreal awakens subjectivity. This led to the concept of psychogeography as part of the system of unitary urbanism or â€Å"the study of specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals† (Situationnise Internationale, 1958).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Training and Development Assignment Essay Example for Free

Training and Development Assignment Essay I have chosen the case #2, about the DEEP BAY INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, where there is a clear necessity to develop a certain strategy for training and development of the hotel’s personnel in order to gain more customer satisfaction and as a result more customers and consequently more profit and better position of the hotel in the market. Part 1: First of all we will conduct the training needs assessment TNS for the organization in order to identify the key concepts that need the most attention for creating a good training program for hotel’s personnel. It is true that the Tutors themselves play a key role in the recognition of students needs in this area as they are their first / main point of contact. Younger Tutors with less experience often need specific training to help them to be able to identify the signs which indicate that help may be required. In larger organizations such as universities there are normally professional councilors and mentors available for one to one sessions. In our case it is necessary to employ tutors from the outside in order to make an initial introduction to what the staff’s main goals and objectives should be like and than move on to implementing that knowledge at the workplace.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are often practical issues that need to be dealt with to ensure that students can achieve their learning goals i.e. crà ¨che facilities, transport issues, times of training and flexibility of training. Many training and further education establishments will address these issues to different degrees depending upon the size of the organization and the facilities and resources available. All of the areas discussed rely upon the correct management systems, administrative systems and infrastructure being in place. To enforce this it is the requirement that any training organization in the public sector involved with awarding bodies such as City and Guilds or O.C.R must have a comprehensive Equal Opportunities Policy in place. This policy outlines the philosophy of the organization in terms of offering equality of opportunity to all and specifically deals with issues such as race, gender, disability and age. The policy is available for public scrutiny and it (or parts of it) is quite often on display within the public areas of the organization. Once the policy has been established it is essential that it is reviewed regularly by a nominated department and kept up to date with current guidelines and legislation. All tutors, by the nature of the work that they do, must have excellent communication skills and be able to relate to individuals on a personal basis. This ability helps them to spot potential problems early and avoid unnecessary complications. It is also necessary to ensure that all students are aware that they can talk to their tutor in confidence about any problems that they may have. Development of communication skills for students is now becoming an essential part of the course content of many courses particularly NVQ’s and often includes other aspects of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy. Constructive feedback helps students assess their performance and gives the Tutor an opportunity to provide direction and praise or help them to be aware of their mistakes and what they need to do to ensure that they learn from them. However, perhaps some of the most important and challenging functions of HR professionals are directly related to the recruitment, selection, training, and appraisal of the organization’s employees (or potential employees as the case may be). It is up to HR manager or management team to create processes and methodologies in recruiting, training, and appraising its staff in such a way that it is congruent with the values, vision and culture of the organization. This can be an enormous challenge – especially in today’s business world where companies are constantly acquiring and merging together forming whole new identities at an exponential rate. In dealing with the ambiguity of the corporate world HR professionals realize that it is not singular performance of each and every HR function that will assure the best human resources for their organizations, it is the alignment and integration of all of the HR functions that create an environment that empowers and encourages employee growth, competency, and loyalty. In our case I would recommend the learner’s centered training approach because of the audience, which is the hotel staff that already has experience in working in the industry and only need to improve their skills and perception of the new wave of development. The health of any organization depends on the development of its people. If indeed the greatest asset is its human resources, then it is even more vital that the organization allow for its HR professionals to invest time and energy into this vital planning function. When planning how best to train new and existing employees, HR professionals should always be sure to address both immediate and long-range goals, behaviors and skills. However, more often than not, just like anyone else, HR people cannot always assume or pretend to know what would best work for everyone, so it is critical that before planning out the training process, they must conduct a thorough needs assessment. This can be done through many ways such as the administration of questionnaires and surveys to determine employee needs and expectations, observation of job functions and the organization as a whole, and other methods of qualitative information gathering. Once a training plan has been established, the entire process by which people learn what is expected of them in their new roles in the organization is socialization. This process, not unlike many other HR processes, has multiple stages such as: Entry/Anticipatory Socialization, Socialization/Accommodation, and Mutual Acceptance. It is important for HR professionals to recognize and encourage the full development of the new employee through all of these stages. Throughout the orientation and training of new (or old) employees, it is also important for an HR professional to conduct a training and development assessment. A thorough assessment would include an analysis of the training needs as well as the development needs over the next few years. Training needs should be based on immediate needs for changes in behavior, where as the long-range development goals should be based on the acquisition of knowledge and skills to be used now and in the future. Positioning employee training to focus on short and long term development helps HR professionals to look â€Å"down the road† and address how they can help their employees meet challenges, create change and ensure the overall health of the organization. In using this futuristic approach, an imperative strategic alignment is built to integrate employee training and development, with that of employee performance management. Through the needs analysis that was conducted with the current manager, we found that even the best employees can always use a little more training. Even though the new employee may come with experience under their belt, they still need to be trained to do their job within the Deep Bay International Hotel organization. Since most new employees in this position come from a corporate background, they need to be acclimated to the Deep Bay International Hotel and its unique culture and position as a teaching hotel. The employee also has the need to be trained in just what their duties on the job are, beyond what the job description tells them. This type of training needs to be done within the first weeks that the employee is on the job, so that they can perform their job function as effectively as possible. Management skills in particular are not usually fully developed until someone has been working as a manager for years, and even then, there is often room for improvement. Since the new employee in this situation may only have two years experience, and in what may have been a limited managerial role; management training is necessary. By participating in a training program, managers can make more informed decisions in their management capacity. One area that the needs analysis found training to be necessary is in the human resources side of this management position. Thus, one of the key areas a new manager will be trained in his how to hire, fire, and retain good employees. Leadership and teamwork skills are an integral part of working at the Deep Bay International Hotel. Thus, the training programs allow the new employee the ability to grow their leadership skills and learn how to function well in a team and develop teams among those that they supervise. Part 2: Training Objectives Familiarize the new employee to the Deep Bay International Hotel culture and operations. The employee should be able to state how their job functions within the whole Deep Bay International Hotel organization. The new employee will learn what are the responsibilities of their job at the Deep Bay International Hotel and the correct way to perform their key duties. Within two weeks the employee should be able to manage the functions of the banquet and conference services department with only limited help from other managers. Management development, enhance upon the employee’s current management skills so that they may become more effective managers. Evaluate and improve skills relating to human resources. The employee should understand and be able to discuss and the proper techniques for hiring, employee retention, and firing. Improve management leadership skills, so that the manager can more effectively manage their employees. Manager should be able to interact with and work in a team environment on a regular basis. Manager should be able to divide his subordinates into functional team groups to maximize their effectiveness. Part 3: Evaluation Process The evaluation process is multi-part because the employee is going to be trained in such a breadth of topics. The first two objectives, understanding the employee’s place in the Deep Bay International Hotel and its culture, and being able to perform their job function with only limited assistance can be evaluated together. After the employee has been on the job for three weeks, the Banquet Dept. head should sit down and meet with the new manager. The department head should discuss with the manager their level of understanding about their job. Additionally, the department head should speak with the employee’s coworkers informally to see if they have any constructive criticism for the job that the new manager is doing. The Banquet Dept. head should prepare a performance appraisal for the employee that should state the employee’s current level of acclamation to their job. This appraisal should then be presented to the employee and discussed with the department head so that the employee can work on the areas in which they are weak. The appraisal should be presented as something that is purely to help the employee, not as something that will affect things like raises, etc. The employee’s human resource skills, the third objective, will be evaluated in two ways. The first way that the skills will be evaluated is in an interactive test that will be given both before and after training with the Retention and Motivation CD-ROM from the AHMA. This test will evaluate the employee’s skill improvement after they have completed all of the training parts of the CD-ROM. The employee’s skills will also be evaluated in an objective fashion by the employee’s supervisor, the banquet dept. head. The skills will be given an initial ranking after the head’s meeting with the employee in the beginning of training. The dept. head will do a performance appraisal approximately two months after the employee has started. As part of this appraisal, the head will distribute anonymous evaluations to the supervisor’s subordinates that ask about his/her motivational skills. This appraisal will evaluate the employee’s current human resource skills as well as his/her level of improvement from starting at the Deep Bay International Hotel. The team building skills of the employee will also be evaluated in multiple steps. The evaluation will come after step one of the training process, the Increasing Teamwork: Productivity video. Simple tests that quiz about the basics of teamwork will be given to the employee before and after and their performance accordingly evaluated. From the dept. head’s meeting with the employee initially, a framework of teamwork skills to work on will be developed. The team retreat will help the employee to further develop his/her skills in this area as well. About two months after the employee has been hired, the dept. head should determine the change in the employee’s level of teamwork skills. This evaluation should cover both the manager’s ability to work within teams as well as to form then amongst his subordinates.       Bibliography: Adler, Nancy J. International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior. South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, 1997. Fishman, Shirley R. Developing a Global Workforce. Canadian Business Review, 1996. Fowler, Sandra M., Mumford, Monica G. and Hoopes, David S. Intercultural Sourcebook, Vol. I: Cross-Cultural Training Methods. Intercultural Press, Inc., Yarmouth, 1995. Harris, Philip R. and Moran, Robert T. Managing Cultural Differences: Leadership Strategies for a New World of Business. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, 1996. Hofstede, G. Cultures and Organizations; Software of the Mind. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991. Knowles, Malcolm, Swanson, Richard and Holton, Elwood. Adult Learner: Definitive Classic on Adult Education and Training. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Ltd., Whitby, 1999. Wheeler, Mardy and Marshall, Jeanie. â€Å"Developing Human Resources†, 1986.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Brotherhood in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn - Brotherhood " Batman and Robyn are the ultimate dynamic duo....", In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain, Twain describes a "Batman and Robyn", like relationship that is formed by two of the main characters, Jim and Huck. Mark Twain brings the characters relationship to life with descriptive details of their attitudes and feelings towards each other. Jim, a fleeing slave, and Huck, who fakes his own death, are on a crusade for Freedom from different individual struggles. Throughout their journey they undergo many incidents that construct their relationship to become a treasured togetherness. Mark Twain's, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, reveals Jim and Huck as individuals growing together to mold a relationship which is extremely valid throughout the novel. Jim's relationship to Huck endows devotion, sensitivity, and brotherhood. Jim cherishes Huck as if he was his offspring, and presents Huck with the possibility of seeing him as a guardian. Throughout the novel Jim proves to be protective and caring as a father would be. Jim and Huck come upon a floating house boat, where they inspect the findings of a decease man on board, "Come in, Huck, but doan' look at his face" (Twain 50). Jim doesn't want Huck to stare at the dead man's face, which is a clear example of Jim shielding Huck from the ghastly sight. This also indicates Jim is concerned about Huck's response to the dead body and he uses a protective father portrayal to indicate this. One more significant illustration of the sprouting relationship between Jim and Huck is the amount of emotion Jim shows when he believes that Huck is gone forever. Huck performs a horrible prank on Jim, by pretending that he never was separated from him which contrasts with Jim's parental di sposition , "Heart wuz mos' broke bekase you wuz los' en I didn' k' yer no mo' what become er me en de raf" (twain 86). Jim is overcome with joy at the site of Huck, he begins to weep. Jim feels that Huck has taken advantages of his trust and friendship and Jim decides to confess to Huck that he would give anything up for him including his life, despite the fact that Huck is on opposing sides of society.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Important Things in University Life Essay

It has already passed almost one year since I entered Kasetsart University. Now, I think that it is good for me to talk about something important in university life. I want to focus on an aspect this time. It is also relevant to my aim which I had had when I entered this university. It is the language study. I am majoring in faculty of Engineering, so almost of my friends are not good in English subject. But fortunately that in secondary school I was studied in English program school, so my English was slightly better than almost of my friends. In the first semester I did not have an English class because of my o-net score is more than the standard of foundation English two, so I was passed to study foundation English three. Many of my friends told me that they don’t like English subject. It’s naturally common in engineering student. But I think the second language such as English is very important in our everyday life. In the future when we have to work or have to communicate with the foreigner, the person who have better skills in English will get more chance and gain more advantage to those who have lower skills. So, I always pay attention to every detail in English class and always practice my English skills every time I can because of the reason I told before. In conclusion, I want to say that English subject is very important in University life and extremely important in the future life. One reason is because of the AEC or Asean Economic Community that allows the foreigner to get a job in our country and allow us to get a job at other countries. So, English skills will help us deal with the foreigner, help us have a chance to get a good job and even help us have a good future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Philosophy of Health Education

The world that we know today has come a long way since the 1900’s. If we think about the number of philosophers and psychologists that have made discoveries and hypothesis about the things around them in connection with their ideals, principals and values, we can all clearly explain that the world is ever changing as a result of holistic approaches and expression of intelligence. With this being said, it is with certainty that I believe in the idealism philosophy. Life is about knowledge. Life encompasses internal meaning and spiritual reality. Humans exhibit this knowledge through internal thoughts of the world around them. All humans are born with an inner-good. The inner good can take something so ordinary and boring and turn it into spectacular ideals. In life, it is important to hold values, education, spirituality and creativity in the highest regard. The most valuable of these characteristics is that of education and spirituality. Holding these two characteristics of utmost importance can enable in human being to think outside the box of life itself and make all things possible. With education, one can learn and collectively approach life with understanding and competence. With spirituality, one can connect themselves with something with bigger meaning and create values. I believe that seeing everything in this world as something more than what it is in plain sight creates an attitude and understanding that is so powerful and meaningful that nothing can stop you. I believe that knowledge is the most powerful weapon in the world. Holding this near and dear to my heart I believe that anything is possible and there is nothing or no one that can stop you from learning and believing. The purpose of life is to gain knowledge and turn that knowledge into something extraordinary. It is about letting our minds take control and create something new. Life is meant to be about discovery and meaningful experiences especially with the people around us. In relation to my personal philosophy of life, health is very similar. Dictionary. com defines health as, â€Å"the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor: good health; poor health†. In my own words and thoughts, I think a large portion of health encompasses a certain emphasis on the mind and well being as a result of good mental health. This is all made possible though health education. However, health education does have to include all dimensions of wellness; emotional, occupational, physical, spiritual, intellectual and social. With this knowledge of health and utilizing all six dimensions of wellness each individual can successfully place their self on the wellness continuum. The wellness continuum is very simple. When you have signs or symptoms of bad health, you are placed on the side of bad health with a treatment plan. However, if you are aware of your health, continue your education on your health and look forward to growth, you are placed on the good health side. It all begins with health education; a learning opportunity to see the dangers one can face that can negatively affect their health and the positive choices one can make that can prolong their life expectancy. The purpose of health is self promotion, well-being. Health is a life of knowledge, spiritual and social connections intertwined with well being that creates a long, prosperous journey. Health education in my own words is the knowledge about personal well-being, physically, mentally and socially that encompasses a number of philosophies to truly exhibit understanding. The predominate health education philosophies are behavior change, cognitive-based, decision-making, freeing and functioning and social change. All five of these philosophies should closely be tied into health education. Wikipedia defines health education as â€Å"the profession of educating people about health. [1] Areas within this profession encompass environmental health, physical health, social health, emotional health, intellectual health, and spiritual health. 2] It can be defined as the principle by which individuals and groups of people learn to behave in a manner conducive to the promotion, maintenance, or restoration of health†. Being an idealist, with an emphasis on knowledge and the mind, I think health education is of major importance. Giving people the knowledge about good health, best practices and an understanding of why it is so important to take care of ourselves is of significant importance. With this knowledge of health education, people are able to ration ally think about the choices they make that can affect their health, good or bad. The benefits of health education are endless. People living longer, healthier, happier lives are just one of many benefits of health education. In my mind, especially as an idealist, there are no limitations to health education. Our minds are endless when it comes to creativity and with that being said; there is nothing that cannot be solved using a little creativity and healthy thinking power. However, this is only possible when we carry out all aspects of health education, from understanding and teaching the back lying hilosophies, to the predominate health education philosophies and the dimensions of wellness and everything they encompass can this take place. When society meets the ongoing goals and objectives facing health issues now and creates new goals and objectives, we know that we are achieving positive health education. Health education is ever changing and new health issues are always arising; it is overcoming these issues and setting out a template to take on the next is sues that keep our society moving in the right direction towards positive health. The purpose of health education is to promote positive life experiences, touching all dimensions of wellness. Health education creates healthy people who in return create healthy communities that stand together and fight for healthier lifestyles. A person is well educated if health education when they can describe what health is by notion of philosophies and all aspects of life that health effects. This person can also describe current health issues and can create a solution to help fix the heath issues. References Cohen, LeoNora M. 1999). Section III- Philosophical Perspectives in Education. OSU- School of Education, Section II.Retrieved from http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/ed416/ PP2. html Six Dimensions of Wellness Model (2011). National Wellness Institute.Retrieved from http://www. nationalwellness. org/index. php? id_tier=2&id_c=25 Works Cited Health Education. (2011). WikipediaRetrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org /wiki/Health_education Health. (2011). Dictionary. com. Retr ieved from http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/health

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Different Forms of Nazi Propaganda and Comment on its Success Essay Example

The Different Forms of Nazi Propaganda and Comment on its Success Essay Example The Different Forms of Nazi Propaganda and Comment on its Success Essay The Different Forms of Nazi Propaganda and Comment on its Success Essay The Nazi Government extensively used Propaganda to influence the German nation and to promote the views of the Regime. It was utilised with the aim of coaxing the people to think and behave in a specific manner. Propaganda was vital for the Nazis as it won the support that enabled them to gain power. Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels were the main force behind the Nazi propaganda machine, they intended to keep the population satisfied and to win the support for their political policies. The key theme behind the propaganda was to indoctrinate the people with their Weltanschauung idea (view of the world or philosophy), seeking to turn them into committed members of their Volkgemeinschaft. Did the Nazis achieve their objectives? Did the propaganda prove to be successful? All propaganda was created by Goebbels and Hitler it was spearheaded through the Reich Chamber of Propaganda and Enlightenment of which Goebbels was in charge. The Nazi government used several different forms of propaganda so that they took every opportunity to influence the typical German. They used the media in the form of the press, radio and film. They contaminated culture with their ideas, using paintings, sculpture, architecture, theatre and literature. They held meetings and rallies and had particular Nazi festivals. They influenced the youth by introducing Nazi education and a youth organisation known as the Hitler Youth. Finally they attempted to create a religion known as the German faith movement which combined Nazi ideology with Christian beliefs. Apart from Volkgemeinschaft there were many other themes that the propaganda had intended to promote they were anti-Semitism (the hatred of the Jews), the Fuhrer or Hitler myth that is summed up by Germany is Hitler! Hitler is Germany! Other subjects were national solidarity, anti liberalism and anti left wing/ democracy. The features of the Propaganda used were its subtly it was always there but the individual didnt realise the influence it was having upon them. There was focus on each particular theme, it was enforced through constant repetition. They used different medium so it reached the whole nation. The message was simplified so the common German could understand it and the number of issues it advertised was kept to a minimum so it had a greater influence. As Goebbels the Reich propaganda minister said the finest kind of propaganda does not reveal itself; the best propaganda is that which works invisibly, penetrating into every cell of life in such a way that the public has no idea of the aims of the propagandists. It is the task of state propaganda so to simplify complicated ways of thinking that even the smallest man in the street may understand. The Nazis took strict control over the press; the centre for the Reich Press control had a list of all acceptable editors. In October 1933 it was made illegal to publish anything that would weaken the Reich. The press agencies would write half of the content of the newspapers, the other half was came from the press conferences. Press was basically state controlled; the press lost all its freedom of expressionism. In 1933 the Nazis only controlled 3 per cent of the press by 1939 that had risen to 69 per cent. Section four of the press law ordered editors to keep out of the newspapers anything which in any manner is misleading to the public, mixes selfish aims with community aims, tends to weaken the strength of the German Reich, outwardly or inwardly, the common will of the German people, the defence of Germany, its culture and economy or offends the honour and dignity of Germany. Radio became one of the most powerful tools of indoctrination; Goebbels described it as the spiritual weapon of the totalitarian state. In April 1934 the Nazis established a unified radio system. They purged all of what they described as hostile elements from the system. Probably Goebbels greatest propaganda asset was the production of the Volksempfanger (peoples receiver). It was a cheap small radio subsidised by the government and it only picked up one station. In 1933 7 million people owned one of these radios by 1940 16 million household were listening. To start with the radio was only for light entertainment. In 1935 the estimated audience was 37 million out of 70 million people. If a speech were about to be broadcast then a siren would sound all work would stop and mass listening would commence. Through technical devices such as the radio 80 million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man. Film was seen as a form of light entertainment and relaxation. During the 1930s as audiences increased Hitler began to realise that it could be used as a means of propaganda. In 1942 it was nationalised under the UFA. However it wasnt just domestic films that were controlled it was also foreign film that was restrained in particular a number of American Films were banned, because they promoted anti-social behaviour. Goebbels made himself personally responsible for each film, a film would be rewarded by money if it was supportive of Nazism and they were valuable to society. Leni Reifenstahl was Hitlers favourable Director. The two most famed films she directed were the Triumph of the Will released in 1935 and Olympia a documentary about the 1936 Berlin Olympic games. There were many films that promoted Nazi ideology such as the Eternal Jew, that referred to the Jews as a parasitic race, and Judd Suss about the hanging of a Jew. Film was used more for maintaining support for Nazism rather than converting people. One of the most effective ways of maintaining support was through mass rallies. Most of the participants would already be Nazi supporters, but their commitment would probably be strengthened through attending these rallies. Films of rallies might make non-participants feel they wanted to become part of such an impressive movement. The purpose of rallies like film was to improve and maintain support Goebbels described how rallies transformed a person from a little worm into a part of a large dragon. Much of the Nazi social policy was aimed at transforming peoples consciousness far more than their social position. A wide variety of schemes were devised to encapsulate the idea the idea of Volkgemeinschaft, working together, protected by the state. The DAF (German Labour Front) provided facilities for German workers. The peoples car scheme symbolised co-operation to help potentially anyone. The winter relief campaign and Eintopf (one pot meal) all illustrated the new sense of unity within society. The social policy was used to help keep the nation content so they saw that the Nazi Government was good for Germany. The Nazis were determined, through the Reich Chamber of Culture, to exercise control over all forms of culture, to apply it to strengthen their power and to include their values. After 1933 the arts were bound to serve as vehicles for the broadcasting of Nazi ideology, and to help fabricate the peoples collective mind. The arts are for the National Socialist State a public exercise; they are not only aesthetic but also moral in nature and in the public interest demands not only police supervision but also guidance. Painting was dumbed down so it could be easily understood by the common German. Heroic scenes, biological purity and athletic images that promoted the individual was used providing all sections of the community with an ideal. Artists had to have permission to paint and those that did not coincide with the Nazi ideals were prevented from painting or exiled. As a result art in Germany lost its individuality. Degenerate art was art that Hitler considered unacceptable basically any art that had no connection with Volkgemeinschaft and art that threatened to split society. As in all things, the people trust the judgement of one man, the Fuhrer. He knows which way German art must go in order to fulfil its task as a projection of the German character. Sculpture was used by the nazis as it was strong and was a long lasting way to promote the Aryan race all sculpture was changed so that it promoted Nazi ideology. A series of massive sculptural muscle men paraded on or in front of Nazi buildings, reflecting the biologically pure, vigorous Aryan race. Considerable use was also made of photographs. Hitler had an official photographer, Heinrich Hoffman. Key images were carefully stage-managed. Hitler practised expressions and poses before the camera. A series of photographs was widely reproduced, some as postcards, others inside cigarette packets. Of all the traditional arts architecture was viewed as the most artistic form of propaganda. Hitler described it as the word in stone. Buildings were experienced by large numbers of people, and could be constructed in materials that would last; they could thus represent the Thousand-Year Reich that the Nazis were building. The Nazis, like other parties had made considerable use of political posters during the democratic Weimar Republic. After 1933 they had a monopoly which was used to deepen support. For the Nazis education was particularly important. In the schools Nazi racial views were taught and textbooks in subjects such as history and biology were re-written. Teachers were required to join the Nazi Teachers Association and were continuously watched to ensure they followed the party rules by law the association was held responsible for the execution of the ideological and political co-ordination of all teachers in accordance with the National Socialist doctrine. Universities were placed under control of government appointed rectors and academics were not willing to toe the Nazi line were forced out. The Hitler youth was a form of propaganda. It allowed Hitler to infiltrate every aspect of young peoples lives, to always be there. It was the fun of activities and sports, social activities, that held the true appeal of the Hitler youth to the young, not the military practices and exercises that were endlessly drilled into them. All youth movements were absorbed into the Hitler youth, which boys joined at the age of 14. The boys were indoctrinated with the nationalist and racist ideas. They took an oath to Hitler as saviour of our country and were taught to look forward to a future role in the military service. The parallel girls organisation the League of German Maids, prepared girls to serve the state as wives and mothers. Many Christians initially welcomed the Nazis in preference to the ungodly Weimar Republic. This encouraged Hitler to attempt to bring he church under Nazi control by amalgamating the 28 provincial Churches into a Reich Church under a Reich Bishop, Muller. The Nazification of the Reich Church, which attempted to combine Christianity with anti-Semitism and Fuhrer-worship, resulted in a split and emergence of the Confessional Church, led by Pastor Niemoller. This was banned in 1937 and Niemoller and some hundreds of other Pastors were sent to concentration camps. The relevance of how successful propaganda was at reaching people is that it would be true to say that if it had reached people, if it had influenced peoples thought in a way beneficial to the rise of the Nazi party, therefore it had reached its primary aim. If it was successful then it is a credible explanation as to why the Nazis did gain power, through its constant repetition and its means of a way of creating a terror state. Effectively brain wash the nation in to believing that their ideals were right. Propaganda was used in its greatest effect to affect every German person in at least some small way. Propaganda helped the rising Nazi party earn a stronger foothold in the consciousness of peoples thoughts, earn a vote, earn support. However it was not entirely successful as there was fierce opposition to the Nazi movement we see in the example of the Christian Church and the dissenting Confessional Church from the newly created Reich Church. Also there was the Edelweiss Pirates which was a youth movement set up to counteract the Hitler Youth the slogan of this movement was Were going to get rid of Hitler and he cant do a thing. In this opposition we see a failure of propaganda because it shows that it was not influential enough to control these groups opposed to Nazism. It is very difficult to actually gauge the success of Nazi propaganda no market research was conducted to collect results there is no accurate way of measuring the success. If there had been polls conducted, the results would have shown exactly what Goebbels and Hitler wanted people to think, this was achieved by making sure that only certain things were safe to think and more importantly safe to say. In general Nazi propaganda was most successful where it could play traditional prejudices and values of German middle class society, upon issues such as nationalism, anti-socialism, family values But where the regime opposed traditional loyalties, it was far less successful, most obviously in the case of the Churches, also amongst the German working class. We can see that the propaganda must have been influential amongst the German people. It helped the Nazis gain support of the middle class in particular. The nation seemed to be united under Hitler or was that the image portrayed by the Goebbels propaganda machine? The Nazis did achieve some of their objectives through propaganda especially support for their political policies. The only indication we have of success is in the fact that the Nazis gained sufficient support in order for them to be democratically elected into a government which they later destroyed. As Goebbels said in 1934 Propaganda was our sharpest weapon in conquering the state, and remains our sharpest weapon in maintaining and building up the state. Propaganda was the Nazis main weapon and in the evidence we have of election results, support and little opposition the Nazi propaganda machine did succeed in achieving its objectives and therefore was largely successful.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Recognize a Legitimate College Honor Society

How to Recognize a Legitimate College Honor Society Phi Beta Kappa, the first honor society, was established in 1776. Since then, dozens - if not hundreds - of other college honor societies have been established, covering all academic fields, and also specific fields, such as the natural sciences, English, engineering, business, and political science. According to the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS), â€Å"honor societies exist primarily to recognize the attainment of scholarship of a superior quality.† In addition, the CAS notes â€Å"a few societies recognize the development of leadership qualities and commitment to service and excellence in research in addition to a strong scholarship record.† However, with so many organizations, students might not be able to distinguish between legitimate and fraudulent college honor societies.   Legit or Not? One way to evaluate the legitimacy of an honor society is to look at its history. â€Å"Legitimate honor societies have a long history and legacy that is easily recognizable,† according to Hannah Breaux, who is the communications director for Phi Kappa Phi. The honor society was founded at the University of Maine in 1897. Breaux tells ThoughtCo, â€Å"Today, we have chapters on more than 300 campuses in the United States and the Philippines, and have initiated over 1.5 million members since our founding.† According to C. Allen Powell, executive director and co-founder of the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), â€Å"Students should find out if the organization is a registered, non-profit, educational organization or not.† This information should be prominently displayed on the society’s website. â€Å"For-profit honor societies should usually be avoided and tend to promise more services and benefits than they deliver,† Powell warns. The organization’s structure should also be evaluated. Powell says students should determine, â€Å"Is it a school/college chapter-based organization or not?  Must a candidate be recommended by the school for membership, or can they join directly without school documentation?† High academic achievement is usually another requirement. For example, eligibility for Phi Kappa Phi requires juniors to be ranked in the top 7.5% of their class, and seniors and graduate students must be ranked in the top 10% of their class. The members of the National Technical Honor Society may be in high school, tech college, or college; however, all students need to have at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale.   Powell also thinks it is a good idea to ask for references.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"A list of member schools and colleges should be found on the organization’s website – go to those member school web sites and get references.† Faculty members can also provide guidance.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Students who have concerns about the legitimacy of an honor society should also consider talking to an advisor or faculty member on campus,† Breaux suggests. â€Å"Faculty and staff can serve as a great resource in helping a student determine whether or not a particular honor society’s invitation is credible or not.† Certification status is another way to evaluate an honor society. Steve Loflin, past president of the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) and CEO founder of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, says, â€Å"Most institutions value ACHS certification as the best way to know the honor society meets high standards.† Loflin warns that some organizations aren’t true honor societies. â€Å"Some of these student organizations are masquerading as honor societies, meaning they use ‘honor society’ as a hook, but they are for-profit companies and do not have academic criteria or standards that would meet the ACHS guidelines for certified honor societies.† For students considering an invitation, Loflin says, â€Å"Recognize that non-certified groups are potentially not transparent about their business practices and can’t deliver the prestige, tradition and value of certified honor society membership.†Ã‚  The ACHS provides a checklist that students can use to evaluate the legitimacy of a non-certified honor society. To Join or Not to Join?   What are the benefits of joining a college honor society? Why should students consider accepting an invitation? â€Å"In addition to the academic recognition, joining an honor society can provide a number of benefits and resources that extend beyond a student’s academic career and into their professional lives,† Breaux says. â€Å"At Phi Kappa Phi, we like to say that membership is more than a line on a rà ©sumà ©,† Breaux adds, noting some of the membership benefits as follows: â€Å"The ability to apply for a number of awards and grants valued at $1.4 million each biennium; our extensive award programs provide everything from $15,000 Fellowships for graduate school to $500 Love of Learning Awards for continuing education and professional development.† Also, Breaux says the honor society provides networking, career resources, and exclusive discounts from over 25 corporate partners. â€Å"We also offer leadership opportunities and much more as part of active membership in the Society,† Breaux says. Increasingly, employers say they want applicants with soft skills, and honor societies provide opportunities to develop these in-demand traits. We also wanted to get the perspective of someone who is a member of a college honor society. Darius Williams-McKenzie of Penn State-Altoona is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society for First-Year College Students. â€Å"Alpha Lambda Delta has impacted my life tremendously,† Williams-McKenzie says. â€Å"Ever since my induction into the honor society, I have been more confident in my academics and in my leadership.† According to the National Association of College and Universities, potential employers place a premium on career readiness among job applicants. While some college honor societies are only open to juniors and seniors, he believes it’s important to be in an honor society as a freshman. â€Å"Being recognized by your colleagues as a freshman because of your academic achievements instills a confidence in you that you can build upon in your collegiate future.† When students do their homework, membership in an honor society can be quite beneficial. â€Å"Joining an established, respected honor society can be a good investment, since colleges, universities, and company recruiters look for evidence of achievement in the applicant’s documentation,† explains Powell. However, he ultimately advises students to ask themselves, â€Å"What is the cost of membership; are their services and benefits reasonable; and will they boost my profile and help in my career pursuits?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Global warminig Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global warminig - Essay Example Greenhouse effect has caused a lot of uncertainties and therefore most governments have signed the Kyoto Protocol aimed at controlling the greenhouse gas emission.2 Global warming is mainly caused by the greenhouse gases. The main greenhouse gas causing it water which is in vapor form which account for 30%-70% of the greenhouse effect, others are carbon dioxide which accounts for 9%-26%, methane, ozone and sulfate aerosols. Carbon dioxide and methane production have increased by 149% and 31% since 1750.3 Scientists have agreed that this is mainly due to mans activity of poor land management, especially due to cutting down of trees. The issue of industrial revolution has also lead increased carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Other causes of global warming are the natural and internal processes on the earth's surface such as the solar activity and volcanic emission. Meaning that even if mans activity could cease, global ceasing could still continue.4 Global warming cause water to evaporate into the atmosphere and since water is a greenhouse gas it leads to more increased global warming. This cause the cycle to continue. The result is that the humidity is increased. Global warming has caused the temperatures on the earth surface to rise and this has made the earth more inhabitable.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The trouble with Lichen. novel by John Wyndham and Short circuit movie Literature review

The trouble with Lichen. novel by John Wyndham and Short circuit movie - Literature review Example â€Å"The trouble with Lichen.† by John Wyndham. The plot of the novel takes the reader from the lab where the doctor, Saxover Francis, with his assistant, Brackley Diana extract the drug from the Lichen to the time when she has to make a run for her life when the secret about the drug leaks into society and her life is threatened. She eventually fakes her own death in order to avoid the death. Ironically, her product is actually supposed to avert death- at least for three hundred years. The movie is about a company that develops a set of five robots. The robots were originally intended to carry out some mundane activities like playing of musical instruments and others. They are named number one through to number five. After Newton Graham has finished developing the robots, he goes to demonstrate them to the other company at the grounds. His demonstration is however abruptly interrupted by a storm. It was while he was still evacuating the robots that one of them was struck by electric current. The electric current causes a â€Å"short circuit† and ultimately changes the instruction codes in the robot. This, as we later find out, gives the robot life. The two pieces are both science fictions that are somewhat related. They both predict on future innovations that actually took place many years down the line. Even though man has not yet found a solution to ageing that would make him attain the age of here hundred years, there are at least some drugs that are being used to control ageing to a significant degree. Consequently, the prediction made in short circuit have also come to see the light of day. There are much technological advancement in the ICT field that can be comparable to the ideas propagated in short circuit. The main reason why I chose this novel and this movie is the fact that they made some interesting predictions about the innovations in the future and the innovations eventually came to be. The other reason is the fact that they both took a realistic approach as far as how society responds to new inventions is concerned. The Trouble with Lichen This is a novel about a young lady who is working as a biochemist and wh o in the course of her day to day duties, stumbles upon a certain strain of Lichen that can actually be used to reverse the aging process in humans. It is from this Lichen that the novel draws its title, â€Å"trouble with lichen.† Supposedly, this strain of lichen can be used to lengthen the lifespan of an average human being to anything from two hundred up to three hundred years. The author of the novel approaches the issue by speculating on how the wider society would deal with such a discovery. There are two main characters in the plot of the book. The first is Brackley Diana and the second one is Saxover Francis. Both are biochemists who are involved in research. Saxover is a doctor and Diana is his employee. They are doing independent experiments to investigate the characteristics of certain strains of Lichen. Diana stumbles on a life transforming discovery when she notices that a certain strain of the lichen prevents milk from turning sour. The strain of Lichen that sh e discovered was rare and it actually originates form East Asia. She works tireless with the help of Francis Saxover and two eventually manage to extract a new drug from the Lichen. They call this new drug antigerone. Antigerone can be used to slow down ageing in the human body. Francis decides to secretly use the medicine on his family members and on himself to prevent their ageing. On the other hand, Diana sets up a spa and cosmetic business and starts using the product on a number of rich and

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Democratic or Undemocratic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Democratic or Undemocratic - Essay Example 46). In layman’s terms, the government is mandated, among other functions, to regulate commerce and collect proper taxes and tariffs on imports, except for commercial imports. With such emphasis, aside form other financial policies; the constitution mainly protected the interests and concerns of wealthy businessmen. Because it was only the wealthy and the privileged were the ones who can afford to run for public office, as opposed to the poor, the hopeless, and the uneducated, one need not wonder why such provision is so. Politicians cannot gain money from public office. Hence, they can only utilize their power to manipulate and protect their own interests at the expense of the underprivileged members of society. On the same basic premise, Article 6 also protected the wealthy by stipulating that allowed speculators to make considerable profit. Public treasury were used to create private capital and credit for huge investors, thus debit payment came from the pockets of the public into the pockets of the wealthy, high class members of society. Another issue that was given special commendation in the constitution was the issue of slavery, as those member states who had three fifths of slave population were given more seats in Congress, more than it should have given its number of voting population. The aforementioned were only a few of the numerous â€Å"undemocratic† provisions in the constitution. Through time, and some careful amendments done, lawmakers have done some democratic concessions that had somehow compromised its earlier mistakes and misgivings. One important democratic provision was the election of the president and legislators at a limited span of time, thus eliminating lifetime claim in public office. This aspect eliminates, or limits, the possibility of corruption, dictatorship, or any other vested interest in one’s leadership. On the other hand, Article 6 indicated that â€Å"no religious Test shall be ever be required as a