Thursday, December 26, 2019

Should Immigrants Be An American Citizen - 992 Words

Should immigrants have a pathway to American citizenship? Of course, all immigrants should be granted a pathway to becoming an American citizen because Americans are all immigrants to this country. Thirty percent of the small businesses started in America are started by these immigrants who come in search of a higher quality life. When they start these businesses they are providing jobs for American workers, which will boost our economy. Also, various immigrants have developed cutting-edge technologies along with companies such as Google, eBay, Yahoo, and Intel. The majority of these immigrants indulge themselves in our local markets, which boost the demand for these local goods. Several of these immigrants are also hard workers requiring little pay; for instance, if they are picking blueberries they may be paid five dollars for a three gallon bucket of blueberries. Also, immigrants are only on welfare because they give up everything to come to America. If granted an easier pathway t o citizenship, they could be taken off of welfare, which would benefit America in the long run. Immigrants should be allowed an easier pathway to citizenship to be taken off of welfare, add to the consumption of local goods, and boost the economy. Whether immigrants offer economic growth or not has imposed many questions throughout the years. Truth is they are providing economic growth, both the low-skilled and high-skilled immigrants. Immigrants of low-skill provide a lot of laborers; theyShow MoreRelatedUndocumented Immigrants Should Be The Same Rights As American Citizens1359 Words   |  6 Pagesundocumented immigrants should receive the same rights as American citizens are a categorical truth. Although some advocates against undocumented immigration would argue that they have overpopulated our nation, these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology. Everyone has the human rights and have the authority to enter to the country without being deported. People should know the reasons why immigrants come to America before deporting them. More than 11 million immigrants are undocumentedRead MoreChildren Born in the U.S. to Illegal Immigrants Should NOT Become American Citizens925 Words   |  4 PagesChild ren Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants should not become U.S. citizens. Many pregnant immigrant women are illegally coming into the country just to have their babies. These women get free medical attention for themselves and the baby. This is costing the U.S. millions of dollars every year. It’s time to end the policy that illegal immigrant mothers can stay in the U.S. just because she has given birth to a child that is now a citizen. These mothers cross the border illegallyRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinion, I think the US borders should remain close because Citizens` or Americans` should be the first getting opportunity better than an Immigrant. The US should close its borders becauseRead MoreThe Importance Of Immigrants Role In Society791 Words   |  4 Pagesthe 19th century, waves of immigrants have migrated to the U.S. in search of the freedom and prosperity guaranteed by the Constitution. In pursuit of the â€Å"American† dream immigrants take shelter on American soil each year seeking employment, education, refuge, and better lives for their families. In 2015, the Migration Policy Institute reported that: â€Å"there were 43.3 million immigrants in the U.S. accounting for 13.5% of the U.S. population.† It’s unfortunate that immigrants role in society is misunderstoodRead MoreImmigration And The United States941 Words   |  4 Pagestremendous problem in America today. Thousands of immigrants every year travel illegally into the United States, and the United States immigration system is in turmoil. It takes years for immigrants to be admitted into the U.S.; for example, David Joseph, spent two years of his life in Khrome s detention center. A good idea to quickly welcome immigrants that will benefit the American society would be to increase border patrol, and to allow more the immigrants who will be beneficial to our society to beRead MoreImmigrants Be Illegal1 600 Words   |  7 Pages Immigrating should be legal because I believe we all have human rights and freedom is one of our rights so why can’t we all be equal. I honestly feel like immigrants work really hard and seek for a better life, If it wasn’t for immigrants crossing over here how would our countries even hold ups are basically the ones who run it. How are some of us considered legal and some illegal; aren’t we all supposed to be equal? Illegal citizens usually move to other countries in search of improved livingRead MoreImmigration And The Pillars Of Freedom706 Words   |  3 Pagesas a nation immigrants and these immigrants roughly take up 13% of the population (Migration Policy). In recent years, immigrants have been treated harshly and have felt unwelcomed in the land of the free and these immigrants have come to find an opportunity in America that they could not find in their own country. American citizens believe the immigrants are hurting the economy. They believe there sho uld be a limit on the number of immigrants that are coming to America, but if American dream is theRead MoreThe Economic Impact Of Illegal Immigration902 Words   |  4 PagesThe economic impact of illegal immigrants in Texas has brought concerns for the state s economy. Such as opportunities, health care, and education. Illegal immigrants contribute both positively and negatively to the Texas economy. They contribute positively by paying for taxes such as sales taxes, health taxes and taxes imposed on items. The negative impacts these immigrants have on the Texas economy seems to overweigh these positive impacts. Their presence has made general wages go down for unqualifiedRead MoreIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed721 Words   |  3 PagesIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed Illegal immigration is the immigration of someone from his or her home country to another country without becoming a legal citizen. Illegal immigrants have many different names; illegal aliens, undocumented workers, and unauthorized citizens are just a few names they are called. Whether undocumented workers should stay in the country or leave has been debated in the United States for a long time. In the year 2006, there was an estimated 11.5 to 12 million undocumentedRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : A Big Problem With Illegal Immigration1150 Words   |  5 Pagesnow that he is getting ready to leave office. Most Americans want the border closed, but that will only solve half the problem. The other half of the problem can be solved by deporting the illegal immigrants that are already in the United States. Illegal immigrants are taking American jobs. Therefore, negatively affecting the economy. Furthermore, they have a higher crime rate than the average U.S. citizen. Yet, supporters vie w illegal immigrants as a good thing because it helps grow the economy

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