Thursday, December 26, 2019

Should Immigrants Be An American Citizen - 992 Words

Should immigrants have a pathway to American citizenship? Of course, all immigrants should be granted a pathway to becoming an American citizen because Americans are all immigrants to this country. Thirty percent of the small businesses started in America are started by these immigrants who come in search of a higher quality life. When they start these businesses they are providing jobs for American workers, which will boost our economy. Also, various immigrants have developed cutting-edge technologies along with companies such as Google, eBay, Yahoo, and Intel. The majority of these immigrants indulge themselves in our local markets, which boost the demand for these local goods. Several of these immigrants are also hard workers requiring little pay; for instance, if they are picking blueberries they may be paid five dollars for a three gallon bucket of blueberries. Also, immigrants are only on welfare because they give up everything to come to America. If granted an easier pathway t o citizenship, they could be taken off of welfare, which would benefit America in the long run. Immigrants should be allowed an easier pathway to citizenship to be taken off of welfare, add to the consumption of local goods, and boost the economy. Whether immigrants offer economic growth or not has imposed many questions throughout the years. Truth is they are providing economic growth, both the low-skilled and high-skilled immigrants. Immigrants of low-skill provide a lot of laborers; theyShow MoreRelatedUndocumented Immigrants Should Be The Same Rights As American Citizens1359 Words   |  6 Pagesundocumented immigrants should receive the same rights as American citizens are a categorical truth. Although some advocates against undocumented immigration would argue that they have overpopulated our nation, these romantic critics are too dogmatic in their provincial ideology. Everyone has the human rights and have the authority to enter to the country without being deported. People should know the reasons why immigrants come to America before deporting them. More than 11 million immigrants are undocumentedRead MoreChildren Born in the U.S. to Illegal Immigrants Should NOT Become American Citizens925 Words   |  4 PagesChild ren Children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants should not become U.S. citizens. Many pregnant immigrant women are illegally coming into the country just to have their babies. These women get free medical attention for themselves and the baby. This is costing the U.S. millions of dollars every year. It’s time to end the policy that illegal immigrant mothers can stay in the U.S. just because she has given birth to a child that is now a citizen. These mothers cross the border illegallyRead MoreImmigration : The United States1087 Words   |  5 Pagesimpact the job market for American citizens. It is the jobs of American citizens to be given more to this illegal immigrant. I believe the U.S. borders should remain closed. While it is clear that opening the borders can have benefits, I believe it is more important to keep jobs available for Americans. In my opinion, I think the US borders should remain close because Citizens` or Americans` should be the first getting opportunity better than an Immigrant. The US should close its borders becauseRead MoreThe Importance Of Immigrants Role In Society791 Words   |  4 Pagesthe 19th century, waves of immigrants have migrated to the U.S. in search of the freedom and prosperity guaranteed by the Constitution. In pursuit of the â€Å"American† dream immigrants take shelter on American soil each year seeking employment, education, refuge, and better lives for their families. In 2015, the Migration Policy Institute reported that: â€Å"there were 43.3 million immigrants in the U.S. accounting for 13.5% of the U.S. population.† It’s unfortunate that immigrants role in society is misunderstoodRead MoreImmigration And The United States941 Words   |  4 Pagestremendous problem in America today. Thousands of immigrants every year travel illegally into the United States, and the United States immigration system is in turmoil. It takes years for immigrants to be admitted into the U.S.; for example, David Joseph, spent two years of his life in Khrome s detention center. A good idea to quickly welcome immigrants that will benefit the American society would be to increase border patrol, and to allow more the immigrants who will be beneficial to our society to beRead MoreImmigrants Be Illegal1 600 Words   |  7 Pages Immigrating should be legal because I believe we all have human rights and freedom is one of our rights so why can’t we all be equal. I honestly feel like immigrants work really hard and seek for a better life, If it wasn’t for immigrants crossing over here how would our countries even hold ups are basically the ones who run it. How are some of us considered legal and some illegal; aren’t we all supposed to be equal? Illegal citizens usually move to other countries in search of improved livingRead MoreImmigration And The Pillars Of Freedom706 Words   |  3 Pagesas a nation immigrants and these immigrants roughly take up 13% of the population (Migration Policy). In recent years, immigrants have been treated harshly and have felt unwelcomed in the land of the free and these immigrants have come to find an opportunity in America that they could not find in their own country. American citizens believe the immigrants are hurting the economy. They believe there sho uld be a limit on the number of immigrants that are coming to America, but if American dream is theRead MoreThe Economic Impact Of Illegal Immigration902 Words   |  4 PagesThe economic impact of illegal immigrants in Texas has brought concerns for the state s economy. Such as opportunities, health care, and education. Illegal immigrants contribute both positively and negatively to the Texas economy. They contribute positively by paying for taxes such as sales taxes, health taxes and taxes imposed on items. The negative impacts these immigrants have on the Texas economy seems to overweigh these positive impacts. Their presence has made general wages go down for unqualifiedRead MoreIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed721 Words   |  3 PagesIllegal Immigration Should Be Allowed Illegal immigration is the immigration of someone from his or her home country to another country without becoming a legal citizen. Illegal immigrants have many different names; illegal aliens, undocumented workers, and unauthorized citizens are just a few names they are called. Whether undocumented workers should stay in the country or leave has been debated in the United States for a long time. In the year 2006, there was an estimated 11.5 to 12 million undocumentedRead MoreIllegal Immigrants : A Big Problem With Illegal Immigration1150 Words   |  5 Pagesnow that he is getting ready to leave office. Most Americans want the border closed, but that will only solve half the problem. The other half of the problem can be solved by deporting the illegal immigrants that are already in the United States. Illegal immigrants are taking American jobs. Therefore, negatively affecting the economy. Furthermore, they have a higher crime rate than the average U.S. citizen. Yet, supporters vie w illegal immigrants as a good thing because it helps grow the economy

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Black Male Offenders Must Be A System Of Social Control

Getting on When Getting Out Getting on with life after getting out of prison shouldn’t be as difficult as society and the government make it. By labeling someone a criminal the stigma that follows them will continue for the rest of their lives. There is discrimination with employment, housing and under federal law, people convicted of drug felonies are deemed ineligible for food stamps. The penal system appears to be a system of social control rather than a system of crime prevention. â€Å"Many of Wisconsin s Black Male Offenders Go Back to Prison, Struggle to Stay Out† is an article about the black men in prison and how Larry Jackson’s first run in with the law placed him in a juvenile center when he was only nine years old. For 20 years he has been in and out of prison, this paper will attempt to apply theories on why it is so difficult for young men to stay out of prison. â€Å"The United States has the highest incarceration in the world, with only 5% o f the world’s population it also contains 25% of the world’s prison population (Explains)†. According to an article in Ebony Magazine, one in three black men can expect to go to prison at some time in their lives, that would relate to the conflict theory, the overrepresentation of racial minorities in the criminal justice system. The conflict theorist believes the criminal justice system reflects the unequal distribution of power in society. Would it be considered normal if that amount of white men were incarcerated?Show MoreRelatedAfrican Americans During The Civil War Essay1319 Words   |  6 PagesDisparities of race, class, gender, and age have produced extraordinary rates of incarceration among young African American men with little schooling. Radical changes in crime control and sentencing polices led to an unprecedented buildup of the United States prison population over the last thirty years. African Americans comprise a disproportionate percentage o f the individuals imprisoned in State correctional institutions across the United States. . There are 5 main reasons as to why African AmericansRead MoreLabeling Theory And Its Effect On The Individual1233 Words   |  5 Pages1) The labeling theory basically categorize individuals who breaks the laws or commit crime. The purpose of the labeling is to cause social humiliation so the individual want commit the crime again. Labels are placed on individuals who commit crime to reduce repeat offenses. A person of prestige that has a high ranking social class is the individual that usually determines how labels are applied. Labeling theory can have a negative effect on the individual who is categorized, the individual is moreRead MoreCrime And Imprisonment : The Higher Chance Of Recidivism1569 Words   |  7 PagesCorrections files. Aside from the length of time and stay in prison, each criminal and criminal act is different. Younger offenders are more likely to recidivate than older o ffenders (Benedict, Huff-Corzine, Corzine, 1998; Hepburn Albonetti 1994). Male’s recidivate more than female, (BJS). Both male and female prisoners come from different communities, families, but in the male population alone the criminals are sentenced differently. African Americans (63.9 months) were given longer sentences onRead MoreThe Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison Essay example1238 Words   |  5 PagesJeffrey Reiman, author of The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, first published his book in 1979; it is now in its sixth edition, and he has continued to revise it as he keeps up on criminal justice statistics and other trends in the system. Reiman originally wrote his book after teaching for seven years at the School of Justice (formerly the Center for the Administration of Justice), which is a multidisciplinary, criminal justice education program at American University in Washington, DRead MoreThe Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison by Jeffrey Reim an1268 Words   |  6 PagesReiman Jeffrey Reiman, author of The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, first published his book in 1979; it is now in its sixth edition, and he has continued to revise it as he keeps up on criminal justice statistics and other trends in the system. Reiman originally wrote his book after teaching for seven years at the School of Justice (formerly the Center for the Administration of Justice), which is a multidisciplinary, criminal justice education program at American University in WashingtonRead MoreBad Kids Race And The Transformation Of Juvenile Court1649 Words   |  7 Pagescurrently have a grapple hold on our juvenile justice system. Barry Feld is one of the nations most respected scholars of juvenile justice and currently teaches the subject, amongst other things, at the University of Minnesota. Feld himself graduated from law school at the University of Minnesota and later received his Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard. This book’s main proposal is that there is a blatant contradiction in the way that the juvenile justice system is carried out. Throughout the book, Feld proposesRead More Employment Discrimination Against Black Felons: The New Jim Crow Era1242 Words   |  5 Pagescriminals and offenders that are out of prison in a similar manner to how people were treated in the Jim Crow era. One example of the new Jim Crow Era is Sonya Jennings. Sonya is a felon as well as an African American mother. She was given an eight years probation after being arrested for possession of narcotics. Since Sonya is now tagged as a felon, she does not have the right to vote, she cannot receive public welfare, and she faces job discrimination (Alexander). The Jim Crow system has been plannedRead MoreThe Problems Faced By Women Prisoners1468 Words   |  6 Pagesmaking it difficult for them to cope with their life. Women get locked up in prisons for various crimes they commit. The rate of women being imp risoned is increasing day-by-day nevertheless men take the highest number of prisoners. Most of the women offenders get incarcerated for non-violent crimes. Once they get incarcerated their access to education, work and other services is taken away. Moreover, if they are single mothers their kids often suffer from being away from them. In this essay, the problemsRead MoreIntimate Partner And Sexual Violence1555 Words   |  7 Pagesone of the most underestimated crimes in America. Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence are one of the most torturous and abusive crimes that goes unreported due to fear. Intimate partner abuse is generally part of a pattern of abusive behavior and control rather than an isolated act of physical aggression. Partner abuse can take a variety of forms, including physical assault such as different forms of hitting, kicking, and beatings; emotional abuse, threats, financial abuse, psychological abuse suchRead MoreI.What Is A Theory?. 1.Criminology Is The Scie ntific Study1600 Words   |  7 Pagesapprehended. V. â€Å"Thrill Offenders† 1. The inherent danger of criminal activity increases the â€Å"rush† a criminal experience on successfully committing a crime. VI. Trait theories of crime 1. Biology is the science of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and origin. 2. Psychology is the scientific study of mental processes and behavior. VII. Hormones and Aggression 1. Hormones are produced in tissue and conveyed in the bloodstream, that controls certain cellular and body

Monday, December 9, 2019

Mcdonalds and Hindu Culture free essay sample

McDonald’s decided to approach the situation by not offering the offending primary ingredient and instead substituting with a new type of protein for their menu, mutton. They recognized the two categories of local customers, vegetarian and non-vegetarian and created separate lines by customer type. McDonald’s in the USA was using beef extract in the frying oil and were sued by three men in Seattle, two of which were Hindu for fraudulently concealing the existence of beef in McDonalds French fries. McDonald’s issued an apology to Hindus, vegetarians and others for failing to provide the kind of information they needed to make informed dietary decisions at their U. S. restaurants. However, news travels fast and the Hindu nationalists in India grew angry enough to vandalize one McDonald’s restaurant, causing $45,000 in damage; shouted slogans outside of another; picketed the company’s headquarters; and called on India’s prime minister to close McDonald’s 27 stores in the Country. McDonald’s Indian franchise holders quickly issued denials that they used oil that contained beef extract, and Hindu extremists responded by stating they would submit McDonald’s oil to laboratory tests to see if they could detect beef extract. Questions: 1. Was the mistake that McDonalds made with this new market advancement was to not consider global business practices vs local business practices and global response to local issues? 2. Were enough meat substitutes considered and incorporated to menu? 3. Was potential customer base evaluated well enough to establish non-offending meal options? 4. Was changing the meat type but maintaining â€Å"Mac† in menu branding sufficient? Could this cause speculation that food still contained beef? 5. Are foods prepared separately enough to segregate veggie vs non-veggie customers? 6. Can a company incorporate global preferences in a local market? 7. Truth in advertising laws can impact globally based on local issues? 8. How does a company mitigate media impacts globally for localized issues? Key Issues: 1. Cultural differences were impacting key ingredients; beef vs religious practice 2. Adoption of non-offending recipes; no beef used in food 3. Lawsuit for not maintaining separation of vegetarian vs non-vegetarian practices and not maintaining integrity of non-beef / non-meat food preparation globally Listing of Alternative Courses of Action / Factors: Objectives: Appeal to Muslim amp; Hindu Culture Overall Strategy: Eliminate cultural and religious offending items from menu locally, create new menu offerings and amend menu offerings globally. Economic Trends: Middle income families eating out Marketplace Trends: Local cuisine becomes international cuisine Competition: Larger menu options to appeal to international tastes Legal Restrictions: Local restaurants are bound by local laws Personal Capabilities: Local management conducts due diligence for localized decision on menu offerings Financial Capabilities: Local menus dependent on sourcing ingredients that keep menus relevant and competitive Sources of Supply: Dictated by economic capabilities Evaluation of Alternative Courses of Action: In this case of McDonalds and Hindu Culture there were some alternative courses of action that could have mitigated the risk surrounding the end result of being sued in the U. S. for business practices different than those in India. By modifying their overall strategy to focus globally as well as locally, other foreign fast food and retail stores can use this McDonalds example to be certain to appeal to cultural expectations while at the same time not offending local and global customer base. * McDonalds could have foreseen or better prepared itself for the negative publicity associated with the revelation that it u sed beef extract in its frying oil by considering how neglecting to be diligent in removing offending ingredients would impact economic amp; market trends globally. By being more diligent in meeting their overall strategy of eliminating the offending beef ingredient, they could have avoided the risk of lawsuit and negative publicity by considering how its total menu and ingredient list would impact its goal of appealing to Muslim amp; Hindu culture globally and not just in India. This course of action could have allowed them to source alternative flavor enhancer(s) that would have kept the French fries truly vegetarian and not containing the sacred cow offending India (or other offending ingredients for future expansion) for all restaurants. A firm should maintain its localizing efforts to be relevant and competitive in accordance with economic/ marketplace trends and competitive position. The firm should localize its products enough to meet business objectives and overall strategy while meeting needs associated with cultural differences while keeping as much of their distinguishing characteristics in place as possible. It is a fact that the com pany may become less like their counterparts in other countries and a company may ose a portion of its marketing advantage but they could also gain in the way of less risk and customer appreciation for the company acknowledging local customs and preferences. Recommendation of Best Course of Action For this case study, I would contend that McDonald’s best course of action would have been to find additional non-meat food substitutes (i. e. non beef additive to oil) and focus globally, not locally. Utilizing this strategy would appeal to Muslim and Hindu culture globally and conform to overall strategy. It would not impact economic and marketplace trends and could provide a new competitive edge. Taking this action would need to include taking local laws in consideration for restrictions on other ingredients and should also be taken care of by regional management. The local management would be able to incorporate the change more affordably by selecting popular taste trends through personal knowledge and sourcing supplies locally for cost savings. The new product offerings would be locally relevant and provide competitive offerings for potential new customers.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Odysseus Rex Essay Example

Odysseus Rex Essay The major focal point of this calamity is on the character of the hero. Oedipus. He is a individual of great importance ; in fact. the security and wellness of the community depend upon him. And he has to run into an pressing crisis. something which threatens the go oning being of the metropolis. And because he is really witting of his ain qualities. he takes upon himself that duty. Oedipus. above everything else at first. is a individual who acts resolutely and who is celebrated for so making. In that sense. Oedipus is like Odysseus. who is besides celebrated for his ability to move and respond in an exigency. What is most of import about them. nevertheless. emerges non from their initial determinations to move but instead from what happens as the struggle they are caught in gets more complicated. Oedipus has a heroic assurance in his ain abilities. and he has good ground for such assurance. both from his sense of past accomplishments and from the really high respect everyone has of these accomplishments. As his state of affairs gets more complicated and things do non work out as he has imagined they might. unlike Odysseus. he does non accommodate. alteration. or learn. He becomes more and more determined to see the job through on his ain footings ; he becomes progressively inflexible. Having accepted the duty for salvaging Thebes. he will on his ain see the affair through. without via media. without prevarications. without blind. We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Odysseus Rex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Oedipus demands from life that it answers to him. to his vision of what it must be. Throughout the drama he is seeking to enforce his will upon events. Peoples around him are ever pressing cautiousness. prudence. even an forsaking of his quest. but to move on such advice would be for Oedipus a denial of what he is. And. as he repeatedly states. he would instead endure anything than compromise his sense of who he is and how he must carry on himself. Odysseus is rather distinguishable. He sees everything and is ever prepared to acknowledge that he has been incorrectly. He can accommodate ; that is one of the most attractive things about the narrative. The reader may cognize the result. what holds him is the outlook of some new disclosure about Odysseus’ bag of fast ones. What will he make next to acquire out of this jam? What is he making to prevail over the suers? Because he is such an infinitely protean character. the reader knows he is traveling to detect something new about Odysseus in every episode. The reader’s sense of Oedipus is really different. He is non traveling to be any different. he is traveling to persist in being precisely what he has been. So there is a awful captivation with seeing the events unfold. in seeing Oedipus himself become the major actuating force in his ain devastation. The force of the drama comes from the connexion between Oedipus’s agonies and his ain actions. that is. from the consciousness of how he himself is conveying upon his ain caput the awful result. Oedipus is doomed. chiefly because he is the kind of individual he is. Person else. person with a really different character. would non hold suffered Oedipus’s life.